⋅ was always ‘the boy with the flowing hair and the guitar’
⋅ used to also play the piano, in the long run though it was too loud for him
⋅ messes around with wax and canvas in his leisure time and calls it art
⋅ his door is always open for everyone
⋅ is at his happiest on a mild summer’s evening
⋅ and thinks that Heine is by far the coolest guy
How are you feeling?
Very happy and ready for action, there is still so much to explore.
What do you do when you are not playing your instrument?
Actually I would like to do all at once: While reading a good book on the sailing boat, I put wax and colours on canvas and let my mind wander.
The most inspiring moment for you in the last years?
A concert in 2016: One day before the concert, Luisa and I were given our newly built guitars by Nicolaus Wolff. The concert was like a journey of exploration and perception. To experience and understand an instrument like that is very emotional and highly inspiring.
What do you do directly after a concert?
Directly after it I need a couple of minutes for myself and a glass of red wine – I share so many emotions in concerts that I feel empty afterwards and have to get in touch with myself again. Then I enjoy the interchange with the audience and fellow musicians.
What is music for you?
Music is contact and energy – a symbiosis between the musicians, the composer and audience. It is joy and sorrow, pain and love. And above all, music is always different, has an unlimited amount of facets

⋅ joined a children’s choir aged just three, only sat there though for one year not daring to open his mouth
⋅ for a long time, rather wanted to play the violin than the cello – however, three violins at home would have really been too much of a good thing
⋅ participated in almost all the big chamber music competitions for piano trio worldwide thinks that playing the cello is way too exhausting; however, realised at the age of 19 that there is probably no other instrument which can produce such diverse sounds
⋅ is a passionate supporter of motor sports, would like to learn how to kitesurf!
How are things going?
Up and down, however, I always look ahead. Now and then listening to the MIRROR.
What do you do when you are not playing your instrument?
Contemplate all those things that create a balance between everyday life and career. Pondering…
What was the most remarkable sound experience for you before deciding to explore the realms of music?
Symphonie fantastique (H. Berlioz) & Apocalytica – both memorable happenings when I was growing up, which indirectly evoked my career aspiration.
What do you do directly after a concert?
I drink, take in chewing gum or similar tasty snacks and try hard to avoid any conversation, being at the same time delighted to chat about the musical event.
What is music for you?
Letting free whatever floats in your heart and soul – without having to reflect on it at the moment. Just feel it.

⋅ started playing the guitar and chess when she still had her milk teet
singing is her great passion
⋅ three years in an English music boarding school were the time of her life
⋅ on stage preferably in evening gown and heels, otherwise not without her awesome green
⋅ pink gerberas are her favourite flowers
⋅ you better not rehearse with her when she is hungry
How are you?
Absolutely great although the lousy weather in Hamburg really gets on my nerves sometimes.
What do you do when you are not playing your instrument?
Then I play chess, revise Persian or mess up my flat. Lately I also enjoy riding my bicycle.
Where have you always wanted to travel?
Since my sister went on holiday to Tenerife I also want to go there as there is a really cool outdoor slide park. Oh yes, and visiting Iran is also something I really want to do.
What do you do directly after a concert?
Feeling sad because it is over and afterwards going out for a nice meal with lots of people.
What is music for you?
Pleasant sounds for ears and soul.

⋅ like ‘Fidgety Philip’ always had to hold on to something. The cello came at the right time and he never let go again…
⋅ would have also liked to become a tennis player
⋅ impersonates the northern lights, likes the ocean and scotch
⋅ poetry is a must for him!
⋅ is a member of the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester
⋅ the fascination of the evil is okay as long as the positive magnetism balances it out
How are you doing?
At the moment very good – each day holds something new and exciting.
What do you do when you are not playing your instrument?
That rarely happens but when I do get the time I listen to a lot of different music. I like to discover new styles and sounds. In the evening I enjoy spending time with my girlfriend or with friends.
What do you like listening to the most?
Recently I listen to a lot of Schubert, Debussy, Fazil Say, Sigur Rós and Radiohead. The sound of the rushing sea is also very nice.
What do you do directly after a concert?
Reflecting on the concert over a beer.
What is music for you?
As strikingly outworn it may sound: but music is life for me.